
Silicom Adaptable RAN Accelerator

The rapid advancement of 5G technology, driven by multiuser massive MIMO and expanded frequency bands, is revolutionizing communication with significantly increased data rates (throughput) and reduced latency (Round Trip Time). However, this progress presents substantial challenges for the software powering 5G network elements. 

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The fbCAPTURE framework is a combination of FPGA firmware and a software API in C that utilizes the full potential present in a range of FPGA based network interface cards from Silicom. The fbCAPTURE cards are designed with a combination of a powerful FPGA and large amounts of high speed onboard memory to ensure zero packet loss even at line rate performance.

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fbSmartNIC Financial Framework

fbSmartNIC, a cutting-edge product from Silicom Denmark, is a game-changer in the world of networking, finance, and big data solutions. This smart and powerful NIC is designed to revolutionize industries like financial algorithmic trading platforms with its lightning-fast sub-micro second latency. Equipped with a customizable on-board FPGA and a full software API, fbSmartNIC 2.0 promises seamless integration and monitoring for increased throughput and zero data loss.

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The Silicom Denmark Session Based GTP Distribution is a distribution engine based on the Silicom Denmark hardware capture platform. It provides the session and context management function, as well as the fbCAPTURE framework.

At the core of Silicom Denmark’s Session Based GTP Distribution, are hardware integrated network traffic decoders and a GTP tracking engine. All based on high performance hardware, harnessing the power and flexibility of FPGAs.

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PacketMover FPGA Acceleration

This FPGA framework offers unparalleled simplicity in developing and integrating offload functions and acceleration for up to 100GE networking. Designed to cater to the most demanding computational tasks, PacketMover excels in compression, encryption, deep packet inspection, and more. By abstracting hardware complexities, it empowers system designers to leverage Silicom’s FPGA accelerator boards, making reconfigurable computing a reality. 

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Customer efficient insourcing of our FPGA based technology is a key priority at Silicom Denmark. Services offered include various customization of hardware as well as platforms. We have also made a demo enviroment available where customers can get initial hands-on experience with both our and our partners`technology. Services are offered based on individual customer needs and requirements. 

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