Session Based GTP Distribution
The Silicom Denmark Session Based GTP Distribution is a distribution engine based on the Silicom Denmark hardware capture platform. It provides the session and context management function, as well as the fbCAPTURE framework.
- Description
- Key Features
- Key Applications
- Key benefits
- Compatible with
Today’s mobile networks are challenged by the increasing amount of data traffic. All parts of the network are under pressure, including the monitoring, analyzing and managing the data traffic. The data traffic is tunneled in the network using the GTP protocol providing its own challenges. Silicom Denmark’s Session Based GTP Distribution offers a solution to these challenges.
By utilizing the power and flexibility of FPGAs and the fbCAPTURE framework, Silicom Denmark’s Session Based GTP Distribution, the capacity of analysis systems can be raised to a new level using existing implementations and including even legacy equipment as well as cutting edge.
The Silicom Denmark GTP solution can ensure that monitoring systems can keep up with the growth in traffic volumes while providing the same full and rich analysis as before. This can be realized on standard commodity hardware for analysis rather than the ever more expensive hardware needed if trying to simply scale via pure processing power.
- Distribution of GTP-C and GTP-U based on
sessions - Distribution channel derived from IMSI
- Flexible and weighted distribution
- Rich set of filtering features
- Fragment handling in distribution
- Monitoring/analyzing/managing data traffic
in mobile networks - Dynamic monitoring of specific GTP
sessions/users - Session based analysis
- VIP and lawful intercept of users/IMSIs
- Fully offload session correlation tasks, eliminating
typical bottlenecks - Enables processing of large number of
sessions - Frees CPU cycles for analysis tasks
- Very high number of sessions distributed
- More than 500M tunnel endpoints supported
- Easy integration into host system
- Scale using existing SW/probe architecture
- Zero packet loss
- Coherent user sessions